de l’inspecteur
The mandate of the Inspector General of Ville de Montréal is to oversee the contracting process and the execution of contracts by Ville de Montréal or any legal person related to it.
Trust. Integrity. Transparency.
Annuel Report 2023
Learn moreThe mandate of the Office of Inspector General is to promote and ensure integrity in the awarding and carrying out of public contracts. Its mandate is to:
- Oversee contracting processes and the carrying out of contracts by the City or by a related legal person.
- Recommend to the council any measure aimed at preventing a breach of integrity in contracting by the City or the carrying out of such contracts.
- Recommend to the council any measure designed to foster compliance with the applicable legal provisions and the City’s requirements regarding contracting or the carrying out of contracts.
- Verify the application of such measures adopted by any council within the City.
- Train council members as well as officers and employees to recognize and prevent any breach of integrity or violation of the applicable rules concerning contracting by the City or the carrying out of contracts.
Furthermore, it must:
- Exercise the functions and powers under the Act respecting the Autorité des marchés publics (hereafter “ARAMP”) in respect of Ville de Montréal and the bodies concerned.
Any person can file a denunciation with the Office of Inspector General, for example:
- A citizen
- An elected official
- A municipal or public body employee
- A private enterprise and its employees
- Bidders and contractors of public contracts
- A subcontractor of a bidder or winning bidder
- A public or private association or organization
These are legal persons over which Ville de Montréal controls the shareholding or appoints the majority of the board of directors. These also include legal persons that are part of the reporting entity defined in the city’s financial statements.
For example, related legal persons include: The Société de transport de Montréal, the Société d’habitation et de développement de Montréal, the Société du Parc Jean-Drapeau; the Office municipal d’habitation de Montréal, the Agence de mobilité durable, BIXI Montréal, and others.
If you have a question about a contract with a body that or may not be related to Ville de Montréal, you can use the Office of Inspector General hotline
(514-280-2800) to get an answer.