
Public Report : Recommendations Regarding Call for Tenders 17- 6146 Involving the Acquisition of a Cloud Solution by Ville de Montréal


This Office of Inspector General’s public report concerns Ville de Montréal’s acquisition of a cloud-based solution consisting of email, collaborative tools and an office suite for 2018–2022. The contract that was awarded included an option of three licence renewals for a period of two years each.

The whistleblower, who initiated the investigation, was alleging that the municipal department responsible for awarding the contract was favouring a company’s bid for the acquisition of an office suite and cloud solution. The Office of Inspector General’s investigation did not find any evidence of favouritism. However, it did uncover major irregularities in the tendering process that should have resulted in the successful bidder’s bid being rejected.

The breaches observed during the Office of Inspector General’s investigation are such that they could have resulted in contract termination. To avoid hindering Ville de Montréal’s operations and the public interest, the Inspector General is instead recommending that Ville de Montréal draw up an action plan to terminate the contract and obtain an office suite as quickly as possible without jeopardizing services to Ville de Montréal employees and the public.
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Public Report : Recommendations Regarding Call for Tenders 17- 6146 Involving the Acquisition of a Cloud Solution by Ville de Montréal