252 people trained
3 public reports
1 prevention bulletin
2020 has undoubtedly been a year full of challenges of all kinds
that have upset the status quo and motivated us to innovate,
adapt and lead.
I am proud to say that, despite this most difficult context, the
entire staff of the Office of Inspector General were able to remain
active and pertinent by diligently and resiliently pursuing its mission
of protecting the integrity of public contracts for the City of
Montreal. Over the past year, the Office of Inspector General has
acted on several fronts, carrying out investigative and reporting
activities, implementing preventive strategies, a renewed training
offer, and, lastly, greater visibility and involvement in parliamentary
Among our accomplishments, three long-term investigations were
completed in the last year. The variety of topics covered by these
investigations testify to the broad spectrum of our actions and
our expertise.
For one, during one of these investigations our team uncovered a
stratagem of overcharging the City for services rendered as well
as the illegal dumping of sludge removed from the City’s sumps
and sewers on land designated as agricultural. These contractors
have since been excluded from bidding on and executing any
future public contracts in the metropolis. Another investigation
unveiled a practice taking place among professionals retained by
the Municipal Housing Office under which the drafting of quotes
for public tenders were defined and elaborated by potential bidders.
Finally, in a third case, it is the courage demonstrated by municipal
whistleblowers that led our team of investigators to uncover serious
deficiencies in contract management processes and allowed for
the rapid implementation of a recovery plan.
As well, more than 15 interventions aimed at reviewing contracts
that were already underway, in order to identify discrepancies
versus the approved processes and implement appropriate corrective
measures where needed. By ensuring work providers that
are under the jurisdiction of the Office adhere to the conditions
of the contracts while they are being executed, we also increase
the probability that work performed will meet all the conditions
of their contracts, therefore respecting the normative framework
established by the City as well as avoiding crystallizing a problem
that could eventually lead to judicial procedures. While such interventions
are usually summarized in our annual reports, we sought
to maximize their educational impact by first grouping them by
themes, then publishing them in the form of an electronic newsletter
that serves as a training and prevention tool for municipal
The pandemic and the challenges it presented also gave us an
opportunity to improve our digital platform. We proceeded with a
complete overhaul of our website as well as our training services
offer by converting our live, in-class seminars to a more practical
and engaging web format.
The year 2020 also provided the Office with a unique opportunity
for improved collaboration and better sharing of expertise with
other provincial contract review and corruption prevention agencies.
One such example is the Office’s participation in discussions with
Quebec parliamentarians regarding the study and elaboration
of Bills 61 and 66 related to post-COVID economic recovery in the
construction and public services sectors. The Office was honoured
to have the opportunity to share the lessons learned since its inception
in 2014 and take part in debates that will ultimately lead to a
strong economic recovery while maintaining the highest standards
of contractual integrity that our society has strived to establish
over the years. And, true to form, the employees of the Office of
Inspector General will be ready and present in the field to ensure
service providers abide by the established laws.
In conclusion, I would like to thank all my team, as well as all whistleblowers
from both the private and public sectors, for their dedication
in the fight against corruption and other deceitful maneuvers. Their
dedication to this cause contributes greatly to making Montréal an
exemplary city in terms of integrity and transparency.