2022 Mid-Year Report
A business unit that almost identically reproduces descriptive specifications, when using such specifications is no longer legal; another that declines a potential bidder’s request to visit a future construction site, even though this is a mandatory step for the latter’s bid to be eligible; a call for tenders that requires specific products exclusive to a single supplier, thereby excluding potential bidders...
All those situations have been discl...
Report on the performance of contracts resulting from call for tenders 17-5849, "Design, construction, operation and maintenance of a recyclables sorting centre...
The Office of Inspector General investigated the performance by Ricova Services of two Ville de Montréal contracts on the sorting and marketing of recyclable materials. The investigation was prompted by denunciations of a possible conflict of interest by Ricova Services, which was reselling recyclables to one of its subsidiaries, Ricova International. Both contracts were legally assigned to Ricova Services as a result of financial problems experienced by ...
Recommandations to Société de transport de Montréal regarding contract management of the Bellechasse Transit Centre construction project
Following a denunciation concerning the awarding of a foundation formwork contract for the new Bellechasse transit centre by Société de transport de Montréal (STM), the Office of Inspector General’s investigating officers met with stakeholders and reviewed the documents in the case. The investigation consisted of two parts. The first part involved the awarding of a construction management contract and the second part the cancellation of a call for ten...
Annual Report 2021
313 denunciations received
121 filed opened
172 files closes
56 surveillance operations
2021 Mid-Year Report
In the first six months of 2021, the Office of Inspector General responded to numerous denunciations regarding various tendering processes. The various Ville de Montréal business units acknowledged the alleged breaches and implemented measures, which are presented in the 2021 Mid-Year Report.
In addition, several cases revealed that the rules applicable regarding the drafting of performance specifications were not always fully understood by several publi...
474 denunciations received
252 people trained
3 public reports
1 prevention bulletin
Report on Catch Basin and Sewer Cleaning, Including Waste Transportation and Disposal, for Various Boroughs
Termination of ten (10) catch basin cleaning contracts and two (2) sewer cleaning contracts awarded to Beauregard Environnement Ltée due to the illicit disposal of collected sludge on farmland, overbilling of weighed sludge and invoicing services not provided as revealed by the investigation. These fraudulent acts also led to the recommendation of a declaration of ineligibility for periods of five and three years.
2019 annual report
296 denunciations received
6 public reports
1 mid-year report
292 hours of traning
2734 people trained
Report on the wastewater ozone disinfection project at the Jean-R.-Marcotte wastewater treatment plant (calls for tenders 10-11277, 10-11257 and 12-12107), deci...
Rescinding of the contract of City consultant Pierre-André Liechti for the wastewater ozonation project, as he provided false information, placed himself in a conflict of interest and failed to meet his obligation of independence. The investigation also determined that Degrémont had an advantage in the qualification process for the provision of the ozonation unit, as it had prior access to the Station site for pilot testing and obtained a preliminary dra...
Recommendation report regarding a snow transport subcontract, filed on October 22, 2019
Attempted fraud on the part of a snow transportation subcontractor, Entreprise Sylvain Choquette Inc. When the truck’s dump box was measured, wood panels were added and then removed during transport operations. As a result, the measured volume was increased and, by extension, the hourly rate to be charged, as this measure determines the rate paid by the City for the transportation of snow. This scheme resulted in the recommendation of a five-year declara...
2019 Mid-Year Report for January 1 to June 30, 2019
Upstream interventions:
Clauses related to bidders’ experience
Clauses restricting the market to large competitors
Specifications related to equipment
Investigation files
Call for tenders for exclusive towing services for wrecked, broken-down and offence-related vehicles
Professional court bailiff services
Road works in the boroughs
Security services
Entry into force of the complaint processing component of the Act respecting the Autorité d...
Rescinding of two contracts for road and sidewalk snow clearing services (call for tenders 16-15049), decision filed on June 17, 2019
Two snow removal contracts with Transport Rosemont Inc. were rescinded because the company repeatedly failed to load its snow transportation trucks to capacity, even though it was paid based on the full volume of their dump boxes. This scheme also resulted in the recommendation of a five-year declaration of ineligibility.
Rescinding of a contract to propose finishes for the refurbishment of the La Fontaine Park chalet-restaurant (contract no. 18-1922), decision issued May 10, 201...
The contract of interior design firm Desjardins Bherer was rescinded due to its failure to include in its bid a declaration of personal ties with a person involved in the development of the bid documents, in this case, the spouse of the firm’s president.
Recommendation report concerning the contracting process for the new indoor aquatic complex at Centre Rosemont (calls for tenders 16-15580 and 5846), filed on F...
In the plans and specifications prepared for the City, two professional firms, Poirier Fontaine Architectes Inc. and GBI Experts-conseils Inc., favoured a particular pool basin manufacturer. The developed equivalency criteria were also unachievable. Corrections with neutral performance criteria were requested. However, the revised call for tenders was still directed to the same basin manufacturer and the equivalency assessment remained inequitable. It was ...
Recommendation report concerning the expansion and renovation of the Pierrefonds library (call for tenders 5887), filed on January 28, 2019
Construction Lavacon Inc. concluded an agreement with its subcontractors to give the company a discount on the value of their work for every change order. These agreements created upward pressure on prices. The city was denied a fair price. The contractor did not act in the best interests of the city. This scheme justified the recommendation of a five-year declaration of ineligibility.
2018 annual report
275 denunciations received
2 public reports
1 mid-year report
348 hours of traning
1705 people trained
Biennial report for the fiscal year January 1 to June 30, 2018, submitted on September 17, 2018
Presentation of the Analysis and Preliminary Investigations Division
Handling of denunciations
Upstream interventions
Clauses related to bidders’ experience
Product specifications
Other cases
Sidewalk industry
Profile of the industry since the CEIC revelations. The overall market is perceived to be more open and competitive. This industry is still a risky sector, however.
Road resurfacing and sidewalk reconstruction surveillance operations
The s...
Report of the Inspector General of Ville de Montréal on the contract-awarding process for the Formula E race, filed on May 28, 2018
The City broke the legislative framework in awarding of the contract for the promotion and organization of the event. The NPO “Montréal, c’est électrique” was used to circumvent the rules for awarding contracts and was only a conduit between the City and Evenko. The mayor’s office acted in such a way that the City effectively assumed the roles and responsibilities traditionally held by the local race promoter. It was recommended that a call for p...
Rescinding of two garbage collection and transportation contracts (calls for tenders S08/004 and 16-15252), decision filed on March 16, 2018
Two contracts with Services Environnementaux Richelieu Inc. were rescinded. Several recurring breaches were observed, including collections from private companies far exceeding the allocated amounts, a collection that mixed recycling with garbage and private collections carried out outside the designated boroughs and even outside City territory. This garbage was mixed with the borough residents’ and merchants’ garbage then dumped, disposed of and bille...
2017 annual report
269 denunciations received
4 public reports
24 traning sessions
845 people trained
Recommendation report concerning the awarding of a contract for the supply of vehicle storage batteries (call for tenders 15-14023 and 16-15500), filed on Septe...
Several serious breaches were noted by City representatives when the contract was awarded after two calls for tenders. However, at no time did the companies involved commit any wrongdoings. The Procurement Department failed to meet its good faith obligations toward the lowest bidder on the first tender, initially notified of a recommendation to award the contract in its favour. This supplier was not informed of the discontinuation of the process and was no...
Rescinding of the contract for the reconstruction of lookouts, footbridges and paths in the Bois-de-l’Île-Bizard Nature Park (call for tenders 16-6853), deci...
The rescinding of the contract with Construction Généphi Inc. is justified by the filing of false information concerning the actual identity of the City’s contracting party. Given the value of the contract, authorization from the AMF is required. Genéphi holds such authorization and submitted a bid in its own name. It did not reveal the existence of a joint venture agreement with Congeres Inc., which does not have AMF authorization but which did, in f...
Report on the towing industry in Montréal, filed on April 24, 2017
With regard to the towing of wrecked vehicles, the investigation revealed a territory-splitting agreement and a climate of violence and retaliation. The presence and influence of organized crime kept this system in place. In terms of renting tow trucks with operators for snow removal operations, contractors communicate with each other to share their bidding intentions and the prices to be proposed. Several recommendations were made to reduce the risk of co...
2016 annual report
260 denunciations received. 7 public reports.
Rescinding and recommendations concerning the awarding of contracts for the rental of tow trucks during snow removal operations – review of decision issued on...
Rescinding of the contracts of Excavation Anjou Inc., 9499237 Canada Inc. and 9335-5139 Québec Inc., which served as nominees to allow contractors on the Register of ineligible persons for Ville de Montréal calls for tender to continue towing operations, via new businesses, as if nothing had happened. It was also recommended that their officers be prohibited from participating in any calls for tenders and denied the possibility of obtaining any contracts...
Recommendation report regarding various contracts (or planned to be awarded) to the non-profit organization “Montréal en histoires” within the context of t...
Contracts awarded without tenders between the non-profit organization “Montréal en histoires” (MEH) and service providers because MEH was unable to properly execute the mandates alone. To that effect, they must negotiate with suppliers, consultants and sub-contractors to execute important clauses included in the contracts since they possess neither the necessary equipment, personnel, nor the expertise and qualifications.
MEH in fact serves as a front...
Rescinding of the contract for the renovation, replacement and addition of signs in the Saint-Laurent Borough (call to tender 15-031), decision filed on October...
A contract was awarded to Enseignes Dominion, which did not hold a general contractor’s licence as required by the tender documents, but only a specialist contractor’s licence. The borough failed in its obligation to accept only an eligible and compliant bid. The contract was rescinded.
Rescinding of various contracts awarded by boroughs to rent tow trucks with operators during snow removal operations and related recommendations, decision filed...
Three contractors, Remorquage Taz Inc., Remorquage Mobile and Auto Cam 2000, entered in an arrangement regarding intention to bid, price and number of tow trucks to enter in their bids. They divided up certain sectors and agreed to “respect” the sectors assigned to others. They admitted that they had communicated with each other and with other competitors, exchanging information and trying to find out what their intentions were with respect to certain ...
Amended notice from the Inspector General concerning the awarding of a contract by the Ville-Marie borough council following call for tenders VMP-16-023, filed ...
Demix’s bid was rejected on the grounds that its authorization from the AMF had expired at the time the call for tenders was published. The contract was awarded to the second-lowest bidder, Eurovia. However, Demix had included in its bid its renewal application to the AMF, submitted more than 90 days before the expiry of the original certificate. Its authorization from the AMF was therefore still in effect, under the rules, at the time the bids were subm...
Rescinding of the contract for the acquisition of 14 pump sets for the Atwater plant (call for tenders 14-12725), decision filed on June 20, 2016
A contract was awarded to Xylem even though the company did not meet several requirements specified in the call for tenders. It did not provide a signed letter from one of its customers attesting to the reliability of the proposed pumps, as required in the call for tenders, and it attempted to mislead the Inspector General in this regard. Moreover, the pump cooling system proposed by Xylem did not meet the terms of the specifications and equivalency was gr...
Recommendation report on the cancellation of the award process for two snow removal contracts in the Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough (MHM-102-1621 and H...
An officer at J.L. Michon Transports Inc. contacted a competitor to convince them not to submit a bid on a contract that J.L. Michon Transports Inc. had won in the past and to encourage this competitor to convince other contractors to do the same. The steps taken were attempts to enter into collusive agreements with a competitor. It was recommended that the tendering process be cancelled.
2015 annual report
296 denunciations received. 5 public reports.
Rescinding of the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough snow removal contract (call for tenders 12-12312), decision filed on February 15, 2016
The contract awarded to A & O Gendron Inc. was subcontracted when this practice was formally prohibited by a clause in the contract. In fact, all snow removal operations for almost half of the tendered territory had been outsourced to Transport DM Choquette. The borough managers have been aware of the subcontracting since the contract was awarded in 2012. The contract was rescinded.
Montréal snow removal and practices report, filed on November 23, 2015
BIG uncovered various collusive schemes and attempts to control the snow removal market in Montréal. Mutual financial compensation, contract assignments and subcontracting are mechanisms amongst other means are used by a select group of contractors to control the distribution of contracts in certain sectors.
Restoration of arches and pagoda in Chinatown (Call for tenders VMP-15-015), filed on November 10, 2015
Initiated after allegations of collusion or irregularities in connection with the contract for the restoration of the arches and the pagoda in Chinatown, the investigation does not demonstrate any collusive practice or directed call for tenders in favour of the specific tile supplier. The complainant was the victim of his potential subcontractor, who attempted to secure a competitor’s bid.
Lifting of the suspension of the street milling, asphalt paving and curb and sidewalk reconstruction contract (PCPR), in the boroughs of Montréal-Nord and Anjo...
The suspension of the contract awarded to Demix Construction, issued on September 22, 2015, was lifted following confirmations sent to the City by the contractor and the SNC-Lavalin supervisors that the surface and depth correction work would be carried out in accordance with the tender documents.
Partial lifting of the suspension of the street milling, asphalt paving and curb and sidewalk reconstruction contract (PCPR) in the boroughs of Montréal-Nord a...
The suspension of the contract awarded to Demix Construction, issued on September 22, 2015, was partially lifted following the City’s request to complete, before the end of the season, the work not related to the deficiencies that led to the suspension. The City made a commitment to seek clarification and commitments from its contracting parties.
Suspension of the street milling, asphalt paving and curb and sidewalk reconstruction contract in the boroughs of Montreal North and Anjou (call for tenders 320...
Serious deficiencies were noted when no in-depth remediation was carried out by Demix Construction, although surface conditions after the road milling required it. The extent of the surface defect remediation was also insufficient. Confronted with the specifications, the SNC-Lavalin supervisor eventually acknowledged that the foundation defects required thorough repairs. The contract was suspended while the contractor and SNC-Lavalin established measures t...
Rescinding of the hydraulic shovel lease awarded under call for tenders 14-13430, decision filed on August 14, 2015
The contract awarded to Excavation R. Lécuyer & Fils Inc. was rescinded. The company carried out the contract using a device that was not the one listed in its bid and that did not meet certain important technical specifications, including engine power and depth of excavation. The compliance study conducted by the borough managers was botched since it was actually a modified technical data sheet for the device that had been submitted by the contractor.
2014 annual report
308 denunciations received. 3 public reports.
RENEWAL AND DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, Horizon 2017 Société du parc Jean-Drapeau, tabled on March 23, 2015.
Four professional service contracts were awarded, individually, without tenders being submitted which is against the rules of the law, to Quartier international de Montréal’s project manager. The organization either ignored or misapplied the rules of contract adjudication. Several major irregularities were noted in various contracts, including the absence of prior cost estimates, the establishment of a minimum flat fee as well as the incorrect methodolo...
Report and recommendations concerning call for tender 13-13242 (Sainte-Catherine interaction project), filed on October 27, 2014
The call for tenders was not conducive to a competitive market. Several restrictive criteria gave it the appearance of favouring the firm Acertys, which had been given a contract by mutual agreement for the preliminary study. Furthermore, the composition of the selection committee did not comply with the applicable frameworks, due to the participation of a division head who was effectively acting as the project manager. This person also contacted Acertys...